Pogumidam Vegu Thooramillai Movie Review : A well-acted journey with mixed results

Critic's Rating: 2.5/5
Pogumidam Vegu Thooramillai Movie Synopsis:

Pogumidam Vegu Thooramillai Movie Review:
Pogumidam’s underlying theme is humanity, depicted through a couple of characters unknown to each other who find themselves on a journey down south to Tirunelveli and beyond. It’s an incident-driven film where bleak circumstances bring out the true nature of these characters.

We have Kumar (Vemal), the mortuary driver, whose job is to deliver a dead body to a family that has made all the funeral arrangements. The problem arises when there’s a feuding family from the other side of the deceased, and who gets to do the funeral rites is a matter of pride. On his way, Kumar meets Nalinamoorthy (Karunas), a former theru koothu artist known for portraying the generous king Karnan. Nalin is a chatty guy who tests Kumar’s patience. Through his eyes, we get a journey that eventually opens up Kumar and sheds light on the incidents around him. The film thus becomes a journey of seeing humanity amidst all the tensions and cruelty that occurs on the way, lit up by Nalin’s eccentric behavior and impulsive views.

While intending to grab the audience by their hearts, Pogumidam... is often predictable and convenient. One major “setup” on their journey is when they encounter a couple stranded on the highway. It quickly becomes apparent that they’re an eloped couple, with the girl’s family pursuing them in an honor-killing scenario. This development feels inorganic, leaving you with the impression it’s just a random wrench thrown into the proceedings to develop Nalin and Kumar’s characters. Similarly, Kumar’s underlying pretext - his wife is pregnant, in the hospital, and expecting soon - feels light.

There’s a sprinkling of comedy between Kumar and Nalin, integrated well into the story.

At its core, the film is all about the feels. While some of it works, the director seems to extend the emotional scenes (like when recounting their histories) a bit longer than necessary, with heavy backgrounds and bits of slow motion. A tighter edit could have left more to the audience’s imagination.

Despite these issues, it is a well-acted film. Vemal attempts Chennai slang for the first time and pulls off his serious role efficiently. Karunas beautifully brings out two different dimensions in his character Nalinamoorthy. He portrays both the pride of being the best koothu artist in the world and the fear and pain that this folk art is no longer in demand. The supporting cast, including Pawan, Naren, Deepa (who slightly overacts), Maha, and Vela Ramamurthy, all chip in their bit effectively.

Pogumidam.. is a mixed bag that is watchable once.

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